Rabu, 09 April 2014

Description of Film


Art Performance

Arangged by :

Cindar Prames Wari
Deni Saputra
Mia Suwastini
Ni Kadek Yulianingsih

English Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
University of Lampung
Bandar Lampung


Praise be to Almighty God for the blessings and mercy to the author that this paper can be completed on time. Paper that discuss about the film is structured in order to fulfill the first task in Performing Arts course.        
Author also says thanks to the lecture, friends, and all those who have helped the writing in the form of energy and thought that this paper be resolved properlyThe last, the author hope this paper can be useful for the reader.

BandarLampung, October 7th 2013



Development of the film has a fairly long drive up to the end of it like a movie in the present day rich with effects, and very easy to get as a medium of entertainment. As the development of the film industry, more and more films are produced with different shades. Broadly speaking, the film can be classified according to the story, making orientation, and by genre.
The rapid development of the film is supported by the development of the industrial production house. For  example there are  Holllywood  in America that produce action themed films, Bollywood in India that produces films india, disney wall which produce animated films and much more.
s genre in the film industry in Indonesia is increasingly creative, although the themes that carried talkative sometimes,  if the market were crowded horror, much to the theme of horror, as well as themes of teenage or schoolAnd sometimes the themes are not concerned with the quality of the films. This movie that caused sometimes movies that are less responsible for corrupting the morals of the nationIt is time for the producers and movie directors create variations on the theme of learning and motivator for the peoples.

1.2 Problem Formulation
1). What is film?
2). How is history of film?
3). What are clasifications of film?
4). How to make a film?
5). How is development of film especially in Indonesia?

1.3 Destination
The result  of the problem that can be written from this disscusion is:
1). Outlines what is meant by film
2). Describe how history of film
3). Describes what are clasifications of film
4). Describes how to make a film
5). Describe how Indonesia film's development

1.4  References


2.1Definition of Film
The name "film" originates from the fact that photographic film, also called film stock has historically been the medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Many other terms exist for an individual motion picture, including picture, picture show, moving picture, photoplay and flick.
A film, also called a movie is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to phi phenomenon. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means  of computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects.
Contemporary definition of film or cinema is the art of simulating experiences, that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programed moving images along with other sensory stimulations.

2.2History of Film
Film history can not be separated from the history of photography. And historical photographs can not be separated from its supporting equipment, such as cameras. The world's first camera was invented by a Muslim scientist, Ibn Haitham. The physicists first discovered the Camera Obscura on the basis of the study of optics using sunlight energy assistance.
Develop the idea of ​​a simple camera, the cameras began to be found more practical, even innovation developed so rapidly that the camera began to be used to record motion pictures. The basic idea of a movie itself. The horse motion pictures became the world's first motion picture. Where in the past it has not created a camera that can record the dynamic movement. After the invention of moving pictures Muybridge first time, cameras innovation began when Thomas Edison developed the normal functions of the camera images into a camera that can record motion pictures in 1988, so the camera starts to record objects that move dynamically. Thus began a new era marked by the creation of cinematography that kind of short documentary films by the Lumière brothers. The film is recognized as the world's first cinema was screened at the Boulevard des Capucines, Paris, France with the title's Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory on December 28, 1895 which was then set as the day of the birth of cinematography. At the beginning of the birth of the film, it seems there is no purpose and a clear storyline. But when the idea of making a movie starting realm untouched by industry, the film begining have a right puspose, have a clear plot and story.
Although the new era of the film world, the picture have no more colors or just black and white, and has not been supported by audio effects. At that time, when people were watching a film screening, there will be a music player that accompanies the motion picture Yag directly displayed on the screen as the sound effects.

2.3 Clasification of Film
As the development of the film industry, more and more films are produced with different shades. Generally, the film can be classified based on:
1). Story
2). Orientation making
3). Genre

1). Story
Based on story, film can be classified into fiction and non-fiction. Fiction is made based on human imagination and non-fiction is made based on true story which is then inserted cinematographic elements with the addition of another effects. For example is The Iron Lady movie (non-fiction) is inspired from the life of Margaret Thatcher.

2). Orientation making
By making orientation, the film can be classified into commercial and non-commercial films. Commercial film is made for getting some profit and bussiness, this film was made in such a way to have a sale value and of course for getting attention from audience. While non-commersial film is made purely as an art to convey a message and full of purpose. For example is G30S/PKI movie.

3). Genre
There are so many genre of film, such as :
1.  Action film
Action  film contain fight scenes which use physical and supernatural powers which is usually dominated by actor. 
2.  Adventure film
A film which contain a adventure of someone or someone's effort to find the solution.
3.  Comedy film
A film which is have purpose to entertain someone, usually not too much attention to the logic of the story.
4.  Documentary film
A film which is made based on true story without fictional setting.
5.  Fantasy fil
This film usually is dominated by unusual situation, sometimes strange and unreasonable.
6.  Horor film
A film which is can appearance afraid feeling, the theme usually about death, supranatural and many others.
7.  Romantic film
A film which is talking about love. And many others.

2.4 Making a Film
The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry. Films were originally recorded onto plastic film which was shown through a movie projector onto a large screen; more modern techniques may use wholly digital filming and storage, such as the Red One camera which records onto hard-disk or flash cards.
Films usually include an optical soundtrack, which is a graphic recording of the spoken words, music and other sounds that are to accompany the images. It runs along a portion of the film exclusively reserved for it and is not projected.
The necessary steps for almost any film can be boiled down to conception, planning, execution, revision, and distribution. The more involved the production, the more significant each of the steps becomes. In a typical production cycle of a Hollywood-style film, these main stages are defined as:
This production cycle usually takes three years. The first year is taken up with development.
The second year comprises preproduction and production. The third year, post-production and distribution. The bigger the production, the more resources it takes, and the more important financing becomes; most feature films are not only artistic works, but for-profit business entities.

2.5 Development of Indonesia's Film
Indonesian film industry has a long history and had become king in his own country in the 1980s, when Indonesian films dominate local cinemas. The films are well-known at the time are Si Boy and BLOK M. Indonesian film industry in the 90s has decreased, it makes the most of Indonesian films have a theme just for adults. At that time the Indonesian film was not to host anymore in their own country. Films from Hollywood and Hong Kong has been seize the positionAppearing adventure movie that have title is petualangan sherina, was played by Sherina Munaf. This movie is actually a musical film that especially for children. Riri Riza and Mira Lesmana who is behind the scenes managed to make this film a milestone in Indonesian cinema revival. After that comes another film with different segments were also a commercial success, for example Jelangkung which is a milestone horror teen movie trend who also inhabit in Indonesian cinema for a long time. There are also Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? movie,  which is a teen romance movie . Since then a variety of films with similar themes and more popping up. There is several movies with a different theme such as  Arisan, by Nia Dinata.
In addition to the commercial films are also many non-commercial films that have won awards in everywhere. Indonesian Film Festival also held again in 2004 after a 12 year hiatus. The world today can be stretched up the middle of Indonesian cinema. Indonesian society began to assume the Indonesian film as a choice among Hollywood movies. Although variations of the movie genre is still very limited, but the direction toward success has been seen. 


3.1 Conclution
Film is a medium of social communication which is formed from the merger of the two senses of sight and hearing, has the theme of a story that many express social realities happening around the community. Good movie is a communication medium that connects the past with the present picture, educate and enlighten the nation as it gives the values ​​of diversity contained in such information, education and artistic expression. Film also describe the nature, dignity, and the dignity of the nation's culture. While providing benefits and broad functionality for the economic, social and cultural. Film is not only feature the element of amusement, but rather the moral responsibility to lift the value of nationalism and national identity are cultured. With the added element of entertainment, artistic, digital technology and attractive packaging films that can attract the audience asked.

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