Kamis, 10 April 2014

Contoh Deskriptive Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

University of Lampung

UNILA is one of university in lampung and it is the only one national university in there. People called it "Green Campus", because there are many shady trees in here that can makes my campus looks green. Unila has three locations. One of them is at Prof. Dr. Sumantri Brojonegoro street No.1 Gedung Meneng Bandar lampung and it was established on September 23th 1965. Unila has many faculties, there are economics and business faculty, law faculty, teacher training and education faculty, engineering faculty, agriculture faculty, mathematics and natural sciences faculty, and the new one is medical faculty. About building, unila has a big multifuction hall. Its called GSG, in there our usually doing our big activity that involve many people its like propti, seminar. Sometimes GSG also used for wedding, people who want doing their wedding here, can rent it. Besides that, unila also has a big library that we can visit if we find something difficult to be learn. Its very useful for us of course.
In the center of unila, there is a lake. The shape of this lake is similar with love that's why many people call it love lake. And there is also "Berta" or beringin cinta its like park but there is no flower in there just some big banyan trees and some table and desk from brick in below of them. 
In Teacher Training and Education faculty, there are many study program. One of them is English Department. Its my lovely study program. The others are bahasa indonesia, Art department, geography, economics, history, sociology, physic, mathematics, chemistry, biology, counseling guidance, PPKN and sport program. My faculty have some general buildings, they are little mosque, large canteen, big laboratories, hall building and also parking area. Sometimes I feel worry when I have to park my motorcycle in parking area because I ever heard that in this area ever occur robbing.As a student of English Department I usually study in F building, in front of it there is place with green and shady grass where we used to spent our times when we have to wait the lecture to teach.

Generally, unila is the only one national university in lampung. Many people go to fight just because want to accepted in this campus. It is because unila has a good acridate in education and also has more facilities than others.
Unila is a comfortable place to study, I don't know maybe its because there are many trees in this campus. But not all of classes especially in teacher training and education faculty makes us comfortable to study, some classes I think too hot, it is disturb us succesfully. Out of it, unila has a good part in views and place to spend times. We can go to "Berta" or just sit under the shady trees.
For me, unila is a great university. That's why I choose unila to be place where I continue my study. Especially in English department, I wonder how can I got it,  this is one of my pride of course. I enjoy and love it.

My expectation study in lampung university is to get bachelor's degree of course and then get a good job. But especially in english department I want can speak english very well and be able to talk with everyone around the world because we know that English is  the first international language. And the important I want to make my parents proud of me.
And my expectation for our campus is be able to make me succes in the future. The lectures especially in english department can be good guide for me to be able to speak english and be a good speaker. I know that the one who can make us succes is ourselves but we also know that the whole of the campus is involved to it.

I suggest that unila should put air conditioner in some class to make student feel comfort when we study, improve the safety with add the security to make the student no feel worry anymore and the important is unila shound add the garbage bin in the class because there is always many rubbish after we have class. Many student feel confuse where they have to throw their rubbish while there is no garbage bin in the class. So they just put the rubbish and leave it. That's why unila have to add the count of garbage bin.

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